Best Debt Consolidation Loans for Poor Credit
Have you been constantly thinking of the limitations you’re having due to an old debt? Do you find nearly impossible save money because you’re constantly paying for the said debt? Forget about it with EFT Capital, the right place to find the best debt consolidation loans for poor credit and you’ll no longer have to worry about not being eligible for loans. Consolidate all your existing loans into one and manage your instalments in one weekly, fortnightly or monthly payment with EFT Capital.
Applying for loans at EFT Capital only takes a couple of minutes. We’re the leaders at helping our clients getting excellent loans that meet their current financial needs. Turn your multiple debt repayments into one, straightforward monthly bill with EFT Capital. We can help you combine your existing loan into a single, manageable repayment system. With the best debt consolidation loans for poor credit, you can keep your debt in check, maintain your credit score, and stay on top of your game.
At EFT Capital you can only expect excellence when it comes to customer support; we have specialists on the line ready to assist you through the application process and make sure you have everything in order to request the best debt consolidation loans for poor credit and get it approved in no time. Excellence is always the key term when people speak about EFT capital and our team of experts. Debt consolidation combines multiple debts into a single payment. It can work for consolidation for bad credit and also if your debt isn’t too much and you have good credit and a plan to keep debt in check.
Get all the information you need to know about the best debt consolidation loans for poor credit and other products by contacting us today! Our experts are expecting to hear from you soon!
Our Services
Personal Loans
Know you’ve chosen the best deal for your personal loan when you use EFT Capital.
Debt Consolidation
Consolidate all your existing loans into one making it more manageable.
Online Loan Application
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1Submit an application online.Apply Online
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2Upload all your supportive documents to your application or you can email it directly to us: Documents will be 2 payslips, 3 month bank statement, copy of driver’s license or passport, medicare card or bank card
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3Our loan specialist will review your application and contact you to discuss
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4If approved, loans terms will be provided and contract issued
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5Client to sign contract electronically or manually
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6Funds transfers to your bank account
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