Immediate Cash Loan
Do you find yourself constantly thinking of that new vehicle you want to purchase? With our immediate cash loan, you can completely forget about your difficult financial situation for a while. We’re EFT Capital, home of the best immediate cash loans in Melbourne and your allies in this task of buying a brand new vehicle for personal use or for your business. Know what you need to apply for the instant cash loan so we can quickly verify your identity and other information. Some lenders say their ability to fund a loan quickly relies on borrowers’ responsiveness to requests for documentation. Calculate your estimated payments and determine how they impact your budget over the loan’s repayment term.
Start your process of getting your loan approved by calculating how much you need and how much you can pay weekly using our EFT loan calculator. Once you’ve chosen the best product according to your needs you can complete your application online and wait for a fast answer from our experts. We’re EFT Capital, the business with the fastest loan providers in Australia; we know how to make it easier for our clients so there’s no more waiting in line and taking so long to complete the paperwork needed to get your immediate cash loan approved. We have more than 20 years of experience in the industry and we’ve found the best possible ways to help our clients every time they need an immediate cash loan.
Feel free to call us if you want to know the details related to our instant cash loans and the other loan products, we offer here at EFT Capital. And remember EFT is your ally at getting your finances in order!
Our Services
Personal Loans
Know you’ve chosen the best deal for your personal loan when you use EFT Capital.
Debt Consolidation
Consolidate all your existing loans into one making it more manageable.
Online Loan Application
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1Submit an application online.Apply Online
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2Upload all your supportive documents to your application or you can email it directly to us: Documents will be 2 payslips, 3 month bank statement, copy of driver’s license or passport, medicare card or bank card
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3Our loan specialist will review your application and contact you to discuss
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4If approved, loans terms will be provided and contract issued
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5Client to sign contract electronically or manually
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6Funds transfers to your bank account
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